Monday, June 15, 2009

The rescue day.

9th June 09

I don't know if I have mentioned it earlier, but our group is also involved in rescue activities. Although I have not attended any rescue calls earlier, I have now started to do it under the rescue cell of "Mitra". Saish being the co-ordinator of our rescue cell is an experienced rescuer and often gets rescue calls.

Today, the funny incident was that, we were supposed to go to a lake to have a dip in the rain water. But Saish got a rescue call and he had to attend. There was a snake in a compound wall which was completely hollow and many holes. The snake used to poke its head out and if you try to go closer, immediately used to go in and come out through the other end. Being unsuccessful, Saish returned with Amey.

Then we went to Khandepar around 4kms away from the rescue spot. We were about to start our climb on the hill towards the lake, just when the same person called again. Setting out with determination, I and Saish again traveled four kms and reached. But again the same story. It was near to impossible to catch the snake. Meanwhile, a friend of ours told us about a monitor lizard present in his house. Saish accompanied him to rescue the monitor while I waited patiently for the snake to come out. It was a futile effort. I was starting to feel impatient when Saish appeared with the huge monitor and big patch of its dung on his t-shirt.

Before leaving, we gave that person the ph. no. of the rescuer who handles rescue calls in that particular area. We reached back to pachmi near Khandepar and had just started our walk, the person called again that the snake had taken its head out. It would have been like a game. The snake takes small part of its head out so we are called, we go covering 4kms and it goes in again. We come back and it removes his head out again. Then we go again...... But not this time. We told him to call the other person whose no. we had given him.

We, then headed up with the monitor. A local woman asked us why are we carrying it alive. We said we had saved it and are going to release it. That is when she said "Tenka sodnaa baba, tenka khataa" which means 'They are not meant to be released but are to be eaten'. It was very embarrassing to here this. Despite of being schedule-1 animals, monitors are extensively killed for their blood, flesh and skin out of which the traditional Goan musical instrument 'Ghumat' is prepared.

Climbing up the hill, we released the monitor.

Saish with the monitor

A close look

We walked for some more time and finally reached our destination. Not even one minute had passed after we had stepped in the water, there was another rescue call. It was a crocodile which we later understood was a baby. Fortunately, Utkarsh had not come with us and we called him and sent him to the call. We bathed there for some time and went to attend the call. It was very difficult as well. A small but deep rat hole from which you can see nothing was taken as shelter by the hatchling. I found nothing else thaen 4-5 seeds of mango when I put my hand in. We returned.

Today's day has been a bit hectic, but very interesting. Especially the bath we had at the lake (Pandawaanchi tali).

"Mitra" is involved in animal rescue operations and have rescued a lot of snakes and birds by now.

Please contact us. for rescuing any distressed animal or snakes or other creatures coming to your house or other such area.
My contact no. is: 9271350091
Saish: 9423886358
Utkarsh: 9420178820
Omkar: 9049911877
Aniket: 9730602146

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